Lisa Wilk
Manager, School Partnerships


WHYY has been running its youth media programming since 2003. Our programs range from one day field trips to years-long experiences culminating in job placement. With afterschool programs in documentary production, filmmaking, podcasting, and animation, WHYY serves teens throughout Philadelphia. Our popular journalism and filmmaking summer camps began in 2007 and our annual Youth Media Awards followed in 2011. These days, most of WHYY’s youth media work happens in school media labs. WHYY has partnered with 45 Philadelphia schools to establish project-based video production approaches in the classrooms and after school journalism and documentary programs. Through the Media Labs program, WHYY media instructors work directly with students and train teachers to use media production as a learning tool. Our Pathways to Media Careers program connects our students directly to jobs in the media industry, providing resume support, interviewing practice, job placement, and publication opportunities.