Scribe Video Center is a non-profit media arts education center located in Philadelphia. Founded in 1982, Scribe is dedicated to advancing the use of digital media as a progressive tool for social change through filmmaking workshops, community-based participatory video projects, and an extensive program of screening events highlighting local filmmakers.
Scribe has become a nationally recognized media arts education center for independent producers, emerging video artists and media activists, including community groups and individuals. People work together in an atmosphere that facilitates new approaches to visual form and language, encourages the development of the aesthetics of videomaking, and provides a process for individuals and groups to document concerns about and visions for themselves and their communities.
Our Documentary History Project for Youth program is an annual after-school, weekend and summertime digital media production workshop for middle and high school students. Each year, youth participants create short documentary films as a way to explore some aspect of the social, political and cultural history of Philadelphia. In past years students have focused on policing, African American history, and leadership.